Capacity Building Training
Programme on Rain Water Harvesting and Management for Ravirala & Aliabad Farmers
Capacity Building Training Programme was conducted on “Water Harvesting and
Management” on the 28th and 29th of March, 2012 at Central Research Institute
for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA). The training was targeted at farmers, women
and youth of the Ravirala and Aliabad villages.
1st Day – 28th
March, 2012:
Photograph 1: Demonstration of Rain Water Harvesting Structures
The participants later
gathered at CRIDA for further sessions. Mr. I. Srinivas. Senior Scientist,
CRIDA (Farm Machinery and Power) has enlightened the participants on the latest
agricultural techniques & methods. He suggested that each farmer should go
for agricultural machinery which can save manure by 30 % and seed by 30%. Solar
dried products and their uses were also discussed by him. Participants were
also told about various schemes available for youth from DRDA. Women were
explained about the advantages of large scale production of these products and
the means of getting a loan.
Field Visit:
A field visit was
organized for all participants. Mr. Satish, S.R.F explained about a rainwater harvesting
pond & showed an experimental micro watershed.
Photograph 2: Participants being shown of an experimental Micro Watershed
After lunch, Mr.
Srinivasa Reddy, Scientist, CRIDA spoke in detail about dryland agriculture and
watershed programme. Participants were
advised to go for plantation as it helps in absorbing the rain water. He also
explained about importance of farm bunding, with an insight into clay bundings
and their uses. Participants were told
about various NREGS schemes that are useful to them.
2nd Day – 29th
March, 2012:
Mr. Ramappa, the
technical assisstant began by introducing the concepts and methods of soil conservation.
He explained the importance of farm bunds in moisture retention.
Photograph 3: Display of various machinery to the participants.
Dr. T. R. Tyagaraj took over after the tea
break on the topic - Drought – Water Management,
Global Warming & Irrigation. He suggested farmers to go for crops which
consume less water unlike paddy or sugar cane. He told the benefits of
cultivating the crops using Drip System, where technology can be obtained from
Photograph 4: Manure Management
Mr. Joseph, S.M.S –
Agriculture Extension trained the participants in the area of “Communication
Photograph 5: Insight into various Agricultural Methods.
Mr. Sri Krishna, gave an
insight on the production methods of vegetables, insects & pest control
Overall, the training
turned out to be a fruitful one for the people of both villages as they got
solutions to most of the problems faced by them.
The trainings also
included communication skills to enhance the Committees of both the villages in
their roles & responsibilities.
Photograph 6: Few Participants of the Training
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